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Security policy for guests and hosts.

Written by Yngve Øye Løkås
Updated over a year ago

Our Acamp members share their booking destinations and experiences. Whether you’re offering pitches and/or camping as a host or experiencing a host’s hospitality as a guest, you should trust that you will feel secure. We ask you to respect others’ property, information, and personal belongings.

Theft, vandalism, or extortion

You should not take property that isn’t yours, use someone’s property without their permission, copy others’ keys or identity documents, damage others’ property, remain in listings after a stay is concluded, or threaten anyone with bad ratings or any other penalty or harm to obtain compensation or other benefits.

Spam, phishing, or fraud

You should not make transactions outside of Acamp’s payments system; commit booking fraud, credit card fraud, or launder money; attempt to drive traffic to other sites or market unrelated products; divert payments meant for others; abuse our referral system; or make false claims against other members of the community.

Violating others’ privacy or intellectual property rights

You should not spy on other people; cameras are not allowed in your listing unless they are previously disclosed and visible, and they are never permitted in private spaces (such as bathrooms or sleeping areas). You should not access others’ accounts without authorization or violate others’ privacy, copyrights, or trademarks.

Last Updated: 2024-01-29

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